What's New at HacWare?
HacWare now offers text message based phishing simulations. This capability is now available in a new product called "Super Phish". The Super Phish product is a data-driven solution that makes it easy for security teams to training users on how to combat smishing and phishing attacks. It also offers micro-training courses to educate users on other cybersecurity and compliance topics.
Watch this week's episode of What's New?! to see Super Phish in action and check out the top 3 worst phishing attacks from this week!
How will this update affect your organization:
The Super Phish feature will allow you to train your users while they are on-the-go and multi-tasking. This text message based training experience will intelligently show your users how to identify scams.
The Pause feature will allow system administrators to easily manage users and control training rollouts.
How do I find this change in the product:
To request access or upgrade to the Super Phish plan, click here. Once you have access, you will go to the license page and add the SMS phone numbers. Then the product will automatically start scheduling Smishing simulations.
From the license page, select the "Change All Users" button to control access to all users on the platform.
Partners can find how-to guides, in the training tab. Everyone else can find them here: Whitelisting Guide and DMARC Guide.
What are the worst Phishing Attacks?
Join the HacWare Developer Program
To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness Developer platform, Go to the HacWare for Developers page. Click here to get started!
HacWare makes it stupid easy for software developers and Security teams to launch hype custom cybersecurity education solutions to combat phishing attacks. Learn more about HacWare at hacware.com