This live stream with HacWare's CEO, Tiffany Ricks and Director, Office of the CISO Google Cloud, MK Palmore take a deep dive into the recently issued memorandum "Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence" (M-24-10). They explore the profound impact of the Biden administration’s new AI directive on cybersecurity and various business sectors.
The speakers covered the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of this directive and discussed its profound implications for cybersecurity, AI, and your business mainly focusing on the following:
Positive impacts of improved AI governance structures on innovation and risk management.
Issues related to financial and human capital constraints.
Adequacy of current cybersecurity measures to protect AI systems.
Mrs. Ricks also made an exciting announcement about receiving funding from Google for Startups!
Watch the live here:
Here are more sources about using AI tools more securely:
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