What's New at HacWare?
Now developers build powerful security training apps with their own course content! We have added new capabilities to upload training content like quizzes and videos from the API. Also check out the top 3 drivers license phishing scams from this week!
How will this update affect your organization:
The content creation features gives developers more control over the training course content. You can add, update, or remove training options to improve the course creation process for your users.
How do I find this change in the Product:
From the API Dashboard, select the documentation icon to view the HacWare Security Awareness API documentation. Then search "recommendations'', this will show a list of course content management options.
Top Phishing Attacks Found this Week?
Secretary of State Driver's License Missing Information. (3:25 )
Department of Transportation (DOT) Validate Driver's License Information. (3:55)
Driver's License Information Update (5:00)
Watch this week's episode of What's Next?! to see the API release and phishing threats.
Need FREE Resources?
Share the Top Phishing Attacks Report with your team.
How often do you check your Docker images for Cybersecurity
Need to communicate with your customers about the Supply Chain Hack?If you have experienced a cybersecurity incident, here are free templates to communicate with your stakeholders and keep them calm.
Join the HacWare Developer Program
To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness Developer platform, Go to the HacWare for Developers page. Click here to get started!
HacWare makes it stupid easy for software developers and IT teams to launch cybersecurity education solutions to combat phishing attacks. Learn more about HacWare at hacware.com