The HacWare Partner Portal contains charts and metrics related to each of your clients and their end-users.
The Costly & Vulnerable Behavior chart showcases the vulnerabilities and estimated costly behaviors of users for each tenant.
This report provides insights into an organization’s human behavior, offering company leaders and executives a look at which human behavior factors tend to increase, or help mitigate, the cost of data loss or data breaches.
Vulnerable & Costly Behaviors
The Vulnerable & Costly Behavior chart is available on the dashboard of each tenant account your MSP manages.
In the Costly & Vulnerable Behaviors chart you’ll see the estimated cost of a potential breach along with when and which types of vulnerable behaviors your tenant's users are engaging in:
Clicking Links
External Emails
Opening Attachments
Social Presence.

How we calculate vulnerable & costly behaviors
We estimate the cost of a potential breach for your tenant using the number of detected, breach-able records within your tenant's user's emails. HacWare scans the metadata of user emails to detect the occurrence of these records and uses that information in conjunction with the average cost per breached record to calculate the projected breach cost. The total of all these potential breaches gives you the projected breach cost.
We take the average cost per lost or stolen record (for example, $146 in 2023) and multiply it by the potential breached records to create the projected breach cost figure displayed in the dashboard.
The below information reflects the industry breach record information we gather that is utilized in the Estimated Costly Behavior report.
The average cost per lost or stolen record for an individual is $146. (per IBM)
Information about the FBI breach record cost. The FBI report from 2019 is no longer available but there are many resources Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) that build on that report.
The personally identifiable information (PII) of customers is the most expensive item to lose in a breach, estimated at a recovery cost of about $150 per record.
If a breach is caused by a malicious attack rather than some sort of oversight (such as an unsecured database discovered by a security researcher), that average cost per record rises to $175. Anonymizing customer data reduces this average cost by only a few dollars per record in both cases.
Corporate data and intellectual property are not far behind PII, with an average cost per record of $149 and $147 respectively. (source)
More information on the 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) Small & Medium Business (SMB) Spotlight from Verizon:
Learn more about HacWare: MSP partners can decrease the likelihood their end users will click on a phishing email by 60%. Let us educate your end users with automated, AI-driven phishing simulations and under three-minute micro trainings to keep user attention and improve learning outcomes.
Learn more about our partner program and how we can support your MSP's growth!