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Safe Browsing Whitelisting for Google Chrome
Open your Google Admin portal. Navigate to Devices → Chrome → Settings → Users & browsers Search for "Safe browsing allowed domains"...
How to unenroll users from the Awareness Training Lesson plan?
From the Client dashboard, Select the Awareness Training menu item. Select the LMS menu item. Go to the Lesson Plan tab on the LMS page....
How to change the Admin's or Users' permission/role to the HacWare customer dashboard?
Please follow these steps to change the user permission to the HacWare tenant/client account to the dashboard: From the client dashboard...
How to activate HacWare licenses?
Please follow these steps to activate HacWare licenses for a tenant/client account from the dashboard: From the client dashboard -...
How to remove a tenant account from the partner dashboard?
Please follow these steps to remove a tenant/client account from the dashboard: From the partner dashboard -
Automatic enrollment for new users
Automatically enroll new users into your lesson plan with the Automatic Enrollment feature. Simplify onboarding and save time!
Phishing Reporter for Outlook Mobile
Empower your Outlook Mobile users with the Phishing Reporter button! Easily report phishing threats and protect against cyber attacks.
Whitelisting in Proofpoint
Learn how to whitelist HacWare in Proofpoint Essentials and ensure safe delivery of emails.
HacWare Partner Portal: Your Human Risk Management Dashboard
Within the Partner Portal, each of your tenant accounts features a comprehensive Human Risk Management Dashboard.
Who gets notified about a phish?
Walk through how to set up email notification contacts for each tenant so the right people are getting the right information.
Mailprotector Whitelisting Documentation
How to whitelist Mailprotector for HacWare Partner access. Details on creating the message rule and allow list for domains.
How to Exclude HacWare Emails from Barracuda’s Email Security Gateway
Whitelist IP Address If you're using Barracuda's Email Security Gateway, you may need to allowlist HacWare to allow the simulated...
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