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Did you know that phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated? HacWare helps Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) and lean IT teams...

How to avoid Spoofing and WhatsApp and MimeCast Phishing Scams?
HacWare is committed to providing Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) the cybersecurity awareness resources they need to combat phishing...

Top 3 moments of 2020
This year was not what I expected. It was a roller coaster filled with highs and lows. This article will explain our top 3 moments that...

Utility company, Verification Scams and Product Updates for Feb 25, 2021
Guess what lures bad actors are using this week! Here's what's new at HacWare! Catch a sneak peak into the new learning management system...

Weekly HacWare Product updates and Cybersecurity News for January 21, 2021
HacWare is committed to providing you the resources you need to combat phishing attacks. Here's what's new at HacWare! Yay new updates!...

COVID-19 Vaccine Scams, Data Privacy Day and Product Updates for Jan 28, 2021
HacWare is committed to providing Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) the cybersecurity awareness resources they need to combat phishing...

Hacware Engineer Takeover! A Board Game Recommendation Engine
Hi everyone! My name is Trenton Goins, and I am very excited to be running Hacware’s Engineer Takeover this month! I am Hacware’s newest...

HacWare has a new logo!
See the iterations of our logo and how we created our new one! We just could not wait until next year to show you what we have been up...

Top 10 Moments of the Year
From YC Interview, TechStars Acceptance, pitching to VCs, to Jumping off Waterfalls in CostaRica As I was doing an interview for Hacware...

Phishing simulations are now harder to detect
What’s new at HacWare? Email phishing simulations sent to end users are harder to detect than ever. The from addresses on simulations...

Safer Internet Day Free Templates
What's New at HacWare? February 8, 2022 is Safer Internet Day. We are excited to offer this free social media template to allow your team...

New Phish Reporter for Gmail Released
HacWare's Phish Reporter tool has been approved to be in the Google Workspace Marketplace! Gmail users can now report suspicious email...
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