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HacWare Partner Portal: Your Human Risk Management Dashboard

Within the Partner Portal, each of your tenant accounts features a comprehensive Human Risk Management Dashboard. The dashboard was built to help you manage and understand the human-centric risks associated with your user’s email activities and habits.

This walk through will give you an overview of the dashboard's features and data, for an understanding of the quick-access reporting available for you and your clients.

Video walk through of your Human Risk Management dashboard:

When you log into the HacWare Partner Portal and select a tenant, you'll be directed to that tenant’s unique Human Risk Management Dashboard. This dashboard provides you with statistics and insights about the risks associated with the users and activity occurring within that tenant account.

Breach Impact Reporting

At the top of the dashboard, you’ll see a box that details the tenant’s overall risk from a potential breach. Formerly known as the 'Breach Impact Report', this section provides a clearer, more detailed breakdown of the potential cost of a breach.

Projected Breach Cost

This number represents the estimated cost of a potential breach for your tenant. For instance, in the example below, the projected breach cost is $11,620. This is calculated using detected breach-able records within user emails. The total of all these potential breaches gives you the projected breach cost.

Breached Records Detected

This number (83 in the example below) represents the number of detected breach-able records within users' emails. HacWare scans the metadata of users’ emails to detect these records and uses that information in conjunction with the average cost per breached record to calculate the projected breach cost.

Number of Users in Training

The dashboard also provides an overview of the number of users enrolled in training for the tenant. This gives a quick snapshot of how many of your users are currently enrolled in training courses.

Dashboard showing the human risk manager, projected breach cost, breach records detected and number of users enrolled

Costly and Vulnerable Behaviors

Further down the page, you'll find a section that provides a breakdown of vulnerable behaviors exhibited by this tenant’s users by day of the week. The bars are color coded to show which days users are participating in more external email activity, attachment opening, social presence and more.

Costly and vulnerable behaviors chart by days of the week and behaviors for phishing test vulnerability

Susceptibility Scores

Below the Costly and Vulnerable Behaviors chart, you'll find the overall Susceptibility Score and a Phishing Susceptibility chart. The Susceptibility Score provides an average of all users in the tenants’ susceptibility. The score is derived from various sources including dark web reports, phishing simulation successes and/or failures, and training performance.

In the Phishing Susceptibility chart, you can see the impact to your tenant’s susceptibility score over the time your users have been enrolled in HacWare training. These charts can be a useful metric to share with your clients to showcase the effectiveness of ongoing training.

susceptibility score and phishing susceptibility

Phishing Strike Times

Below the Susceptibility Charts, you’ll find insights into the Top 3 Phishing Strike Times for this tenant. This data can be shared with your users to help them better understand their overall risk profile and to encourage them to be more vigilant during these peak times.

phishing strike times with three options for top times

Team Performance Breakdown

At the bottom of the dashboard you'll find a section dedicated to each team’s individual user performance. This shows a detailed breakdown of user's susceptibility scores, simulation results, and upcoming training schedule.

Individual user stats including a susceptibility score

Your Human Risk Management Dashboard provides a lot of useful information, actionable insights and data that can be immediately shared with clients or monitored over time to build impactful strategies for improving overall vulnerabilities.

Whether you've just onboarded a new tenant or are doing a periodic check-in, the Dashboard allows you to easily showcase the value of your services, track user behavior, and work toward a safer environment for your tenant’s users.


Learn more about HacWare: Decrease the likelihood that your end users will click on a phishing email by 60%. Let us help your MSP empower your client teams with automated, AI-driven phishing simulations and under three-minute micro-trainings to build users into your client's first line of defense against cyber attacks.

Learn more about our partner program and how we can support your MSP's growth at

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