On November 9, 2020, It was reported by BleepingComputer.com that Compal Electronics suffered a DopplePaymer ransomware attack where attackers demanded $17 million to return device access. The ransomware letter states if Compal does not pay the ransom in 3 days, the attackers will share the information with the public. Compal's leadership has reported that they have identified the issue and is back to normal operating practices.
What is a DopplePaymer Ransomware attack?
DopplePaymer is a strain of the BitPaymer ransomware attack and the attackers trace back to the INDRIK SPIDER cybercrime group. These attackers typically target Enterprise companies with email phishing scams. Then install malware onto devices that use privileged escalation tactics to spread throughout the Windows network.
What can you do to protect yourself?
More than 90% of ransomware attacks target employees through email communication, please ensure that your employees, contractors, and volunteers are continuously trained about phishing, business email compromise scams, and other various ransomware lures. Also, ensure that your data is backed up and update your software to mitigate risks to application exploits.
To automate awareness to combat these attacks we highly suggest using HacWare. To learn more about how we can put your awareness on autopilot go to www.hacware.com.
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