What's New at HacWare?
We have taken Email Security to new levels! We are excited to announce that we have released version 2 of the DMARC scanning tool! Try this tool on HacWare.com. We have also released the July phishing report.
Watch this week's episode of What's New?! to see how you can add the checker tool to your website!
How will this update affect your organization:
Now you can check to see if your email can be spoofed by cybercriminals. Don't worry if your email fails, we will provide the "how-to" tutorial on setting up DMARC for your email.
How do I find this change in the Product:
From the HacWare.com, test your email in the DMARC check tool.
For HacWare Partners, To see the Top 8 Phishing scams from July, go to the partner dashboard and select Media Tool Kit from the menu bar. Then select an image titled "Top 8 Phishing Attacks from July 2021".
Check out the Top 3 Phishing Attacks Found this Week?
Need FREE Resources?
Need to communicate with your customers about the Supply Chain hack?Here are free email templates to communicate with your customers and keep them calm. Learn more.
Failed the DMARC assessment?Check out the "how-to" tutorial for instructions on how to configure your email to support DMARC.
Join the HacWare Developer Program
To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness Developer platform, Go to the HacWare for Developers page. Click here to get started!
HacWare makes it stupid easy for software developers and IT teams to launch cybersecurity education solutions to combat phishing attacks. Learn more about HacWare at hacware.com