This webinar covers how to use the Cyber Defense Matrix to identify the core value of each vendor in your client’s cybersecurity stacks.
After watching this recording you will better understand:
Why preparing for threats is vital both left and right of boom.
How to use the cyber defense matrix to evaluate your vendors and fill out your stack.
About the speakers:
Tiffany Ricks - CEO and Founder of HacWare. Tiffany has over 15 years of experience in software engineering and cybersecurity. She is the founder, CEO and Chief Hacker at HacWare, an AI-driven cybersecurity education platform that helps your end-users become your first line of defense against phishing attacks.
Wes Spencer - Wes is the Vice President and Channel Chief for FifthWall Solutions, the nation’s largest insurance broker focusing exclusively on cybersecurity insurance. Wes Spencer is a nationally recognized technology innovator and cybersecurity influencer and co-founder of multiple cybersecurity companies including Perch Security which was successfully acquired in 2020. Wes has numerous awards including the 2020 Cybersecurity Educator of the Year by the Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. Wes has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Pro Publica, Dark Reading, and many other outlets.
John Hammond - John Hammond is a cybersecurity researcher, educator and content creator. As part of the Threat Operations team at Huntress, John spends his days making hackers earn their access and helping tell the story. Previously, as a Department of Defense Cyber Training Academy instructor, he taught the Cyber Threat Emulation course, educating both civilian and military members on offensive Python, PowerShell, other scripting languages and the adversarial mindset. He is an online YouTube personality showcasing programming tutorials, CTF video walkthroughs and other cyber security content.
Kevin Nejad - Kevin is the CEO of Vijilan. He has over 20 years of experience in Information Security, has worked for fortune 50 companies such as Phillip Morris, EDS, HPE as a Security Data Scientist, incident handler and in forensics. He received his undergraduate in Biochemistry from York University – Toronto, postgraduate certificates in information security at NYU and Carnegie Mellon university and The World’s Premier Cybersecurity Certification, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
Want to Learn More about HacWare?
HacWare makes it easy for software developers and IT teams to launch cybersecurity education solutions to combat phishing attacks. Learn more about HacWare at hacware.com