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Custom Domain DNS Setup

Step 1: Create a CNAME record

Recommended DNS Setup

For a quick and easy setup, we recommend using a subdomain (e.g. with HacWare (Tier 2 +). To achieve this setup, create the following DNS records with your domain provider:

The CNAME is required. The A record is optional - it creates a redirect from your www subdomain to the root subdomain.

Root Domain Setup

If you'd prefer to use a root domain (e.g., create the following DNS records with your domain provider.

The CNAME is required. The A record is optional - it creates a redirect from your www subdomain to the root subdomain.

Non-www Subdomain Setup

If you'd prefer to use an alternative subdomain (e.g., create the following CNAME record with your domain provider.

Step 2: Activate the Custom Domain

Login to your publication's HacWare Partner Portal, and go to the Custom Domain settings.

Click the “Activate Custom Domain” button.

Step 3: Send SSL Certificate and Key

Send your SSL certificate ".crt" and ".key" file to This will allow the page to display correctly under https protocol.

It will take up to 48 hours for the SSL certification installation will be complete. The HacWare support team will notify you when it is complete.


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